Players have opportunities to use a variety of avatar options according to their preferences.


The choices are:

How do I upload my own art as a custom avatar?


You can upload your own art as your character by going to the Avatars tab in your profile and tapping the “Customize” button under the Custom section.

Your image can be any size, but it will require cropping to an aspect ratio of 843 x 1200. Note that due to the player character position (pinned to the right side of the screen), your character will be flipped. We recommend you upload a character facing to the right as pictured below.



Once you save this character, they will appear in the avatar selection. Choosing that option will replace the author’s art with your own art. You can adjust the size to your taste!



Looking for art you can use for your MC? Check out Dorian’s discord, where you can meet artists who have volunteered their characters for use in stories.