You want to make a game without knowing how to code and make money from it? You’re in the right place. Scroll down for a step-by-step guide or click one of these shortcuts

👉 What you’ll need

👉 Building your team

👉 Start Creating

👉 The guide to the “perfect” episode 1

👉 Releasing your game

👉 Spreading the word about your game

👉 Reviewing your results

The Perfect Ingredients

To make your game, you need only a few things:

An Idea

We recommend you think of ideas that:

Looking for an author to work with? Pitch your idea on Dorian’s discord or join the discussion to find a collaborator!


Character Art

You can use any character art that complies with our Community Guidelines. Looking for an artist to work with? Pitch your idea on Dorian’s discord or join the discussion to find a collaborator!

We recommend your characters…


A Plan

Plan for your a series with short chapters and frequent updates. Aim for these goals:

Building Your Team

You can create a game by yourself or collaborate with others! Join the Dorian discord to meet like-minded creators and start building your team!